浩峰地產,由鄧麗芳小姐於 2016 年創立。
鄧麗芳小姐從事香港房地產行業超過 35 年,並在 “長江集團” 擔任銷售主管達 20 年之久!憑藉在業內知名度及卓越的銷售能力,浩峰地產在短短數年內於環球房地產界打響名堂!
浩峰地產於 2019 年間,為香港客戶提供免費海外物業考察團;一年間出團高達 36 次之多!讓客戶親身了解當地風土文化,以及更深入了解各樓盤利幣,協助客戶作出最正確的投資決定!
浩峰地產於 2022 年,於澳門成立了 "新浩峰投資有限公司", 並於英國曼城、馬來西亞吉隆坡、柬埔寨金邊、及台北市,與當地合作方設立了辦事處;因浩峰非常注重海外物業的售後服務,例如代租/代管/代售,務求客户令可以安枕無憂。
About Ocean Wood Overseas Property Limited
Ocean Wood Overseas Property Limited has pioneered introducing Phnom Penh, Cambodia-quality properties to the Hong Kong market as well as sourcing apartments for a wide range of customers, especially expatriates of international companies in Hong Kong.
Ocean Wood Overseas Property Limited is one of Hong Kong’s leading overseas property agencies, working with international developers from Cambodia, Thailand, Malaysia, Australia, Canada and the UK. We provide sales strategies to overseas developers in exploring the market of the Hong Kong & Macau as well as assisting in the execution of different sales plans and promotions.
Through seminars, exhibitions, promotion, and well planned tours, many projects had a satisfying sales volume in Hong Kong and Macau. It is a remarkable performance and reflects our immense credit to the whole industry.
Our professional sales team is always here to understand your requirements, source and sort properties accordingly for you, analyze and present to you every potential and risk that you have to take into consideration. Moreover, we will go through every transaction procedure with you to ensure its accuracy and punctuality.
As property investment is a long-term investment, we also focus on after-sales service and management. We provide consultation on capitalization, mortgaging, credit management, and financial analysis. In addition, we provide services in lease management, resale as well as property management. With our service, overseas property investment will certainly become a hassle-free process for you. Don’t wait. Call us now for a tailored-made, personalized investment consultation for the best return.
電話: (+852) 35924596
24小時查詢熱線:(+852) 61612262
營業地址: 澳門宋玉生廣場336-342號誠豐商業中心5樓R室
特此聲明: 浩峰環球物業有限公司及其代表僅與香港境外物業銷售有關,根據《香港地產代理條例》(香港法例第511章),毋須領有牌照,亦無權於香港領取牌照。
電話: (+852) 35924596
24小時查詢熱線:(+852) 61612262
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